

      Hi, my name is Grant Gabrielson, I currently reside in Park City, Utah.  I truly find great joy in all things Nerdy.  If I had to describe myself in 4 words I would probably say entrepreneurial, awesome, smart (Wow, I may be borderline narcissistic), and nerdy (of course). Well that is 4, or I guess 5 if you count slightly narcissistic, but I don't because it is not a main point about me.  Ooh! I also am fond of numbers, numbers are super fun for me (I may be ADD, just a little). I love when things work well, are puny, or have a double meaning.  For instance above where I said I am fond of number and am a little ADD, get it ADD and numbers.  I like to build things, that build things, to build useful things.  confused yet?  Read the blog.


  1. All of the 'About Me' is so true!

  2. Wow! Congratulations on your blog Grant!
    You write very nicely, keep on!
